So...just when we think we are close to being done with the house...the next problem presents its self. Today I went into the down stairs bathroom and it was flooded with about and inch and a half of water...all the way into my closet (that just got all of the shelving and drawers 2 days ago)...there was no water around the toilet, just coming out of the drain in the shower and the one in the closet that our washer and dryer will go in. Anyway, the plumber came and basically pulled out a towel, a t-shirt, roots and I'm not going to lie...a few tampons.( I don't know, is that to much info?) But no...the humiliation and suffering didn't end there...our pipes had two breaks and its going to be $4,000 to fix. I personally can think of about 500 other ways I could spend that money. I guess that's what happens when your house was built over 70 years ago. I think those pipes in the front yard were about the only thing in the whole place that we didn't replace. I am however, so very happy to be in my little house. I love it so much. Well, that's about it...
I'm so sorry! Hopefully this will be the last of it (especially because you did replace pretty much everything) If there is anything we can help with let me know...
Ann this totally reminds me of when the plumber came to the condo and pulled out tampons. Remember he said the pipes looked like "teets". Now THAT is too much information. Good luck, such a bummer.
It figures! I hope it is fixed up quick.
uh...how frustrating! I know we have had 2 floods in this house and 1 in our old town house it is so annoying! I am sorry!
Oh no! I'm so sorry - ugh. Your life is like the Money Pit! You know...without the weird, conductor ex-boyfriend. Hopefully it will all be fixed soon and it will become home sweet home!
OH NO! How sad. So does your closet have to be redone now? Darn! Houses are nice to have but such MONEY PITS! (I love that movie by the way)
I spent Sunday fixing a water line to my refridgerator's ice maker. Don't worry, it flooded the kitchen several times and started dripping into the basement before I got it clamped off . And tonight I will be cutting into my kitchen floor to finish fixing it. I wanted to burn my house down with me in it yesterday. Home ownership is rad.
I feel your pain. Good luck.
ok..i started rolling as soon as your blog came up with that picture. and i'm so sorry but have to say how hillarious it is that he pulled all of that out of the pipes.
That sucks. Sorry! When do we get to have lunch group at your place, I'm dying to see it!
ok..joke's over
So I am really embarrassed to say this but I haven't added you to my list of links because I don't know your new last name! So you are there as Ann Dewitt until I get it. We obviously don't spend enough time together. Maybe we should start having lunch group for the non-moms. We can do non-mom things and talk about non-mom stuff.
Ann I miss your blog posts! Come back!!! Kell~
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