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5 things...
My friend Julia gave me a challenge to post 5 things that most people do not know about me. So, 1. I have probably watched EVERY major motion picture that was ever produced between the years of, lets say 1980-1998. Since we are staying at Adams parents house there is no t.v. in the bedroom and I CANNOT fall asleep without the t.v. on. My mind just races and I end up getting all worked up about stuff and stewing all night. The best little whore house in Texas (this one was quite racy) was last nights feature presentation. (I should back selection comes from Adams parents VHS collection, and they do not get rid of anything) So, I have to work with what I have. You know hits like, Samson And Delilah, RAD, Gohstbusters 2, and Winning London (staring Marykate and Ashley Olson).
2. I have my blanket that I have had since I was a baby...and I still sleep with it every night. Its hard to explain to someone who cant relate in any way, but it really is my security blanket. I remember when I was a kid it always smelt like maple syrup and my dad would tuck me in at night and wrap me up with it. If I couldn't find it I would sleep with one of my dads t-shirts that night and my mom would help me look for it the next day until we could find it. It always made me feel safe when I was away because it smelt like my moms linen closet at home....and it still does.
3. This was the best thing I have ever done. Some of you may not know but I was married before Adam...for about a It was Annulled. Lets just say there are some not very nice people out there and I happened to marry one, only I didn't know it until it was too late. the story is an interesting one, if you ever want to hear it, its worth the time it takes to tell it. It defiantly made me a better person, but I would be lying if i said it had no affect on me...It made me very insecure with myself and I really didn't think marriage worked in this world we are living in. All i can say is that it does and I was blessed enough to have the faith to let myself fall for Adam. (not that it was hard)
4. I get so embarrassed and awkward...All the time. It can be anything. When I was in high school I would have to turn away during half of the show 90210 because i was so embarrassed watching it. I die in movies, t.v. shows, plays, even sometimes just hearing people talk. I'm not embarrassed so much for the people...but more for me, that I'm witnessing something I maybe shouldn't be. i don't really know how to explain it but I need to get a grip on this one.
5. I'm a twin. You may know that but unless you are one you don't know how lucky I am to be one. Amy and I have a relationship unlike any other. She IS me. Growing up we always had each other...someone to laugh with, talk with, show up with. We can communicate with a look and in ways other people cant. Sometimes I really do think I know her better than I know myself.
Its always hard to do something like this because you don't quite know how personal to get...i hope I'm not a weird-o in your eyes now that you know a few of my hidden gems. Part of the 5 things was to ask 5 people to do the same...So, Amy, Mom, Erin, Sarah and Heather...I would love to read yours.
Ok, you are my favorite. I know what you mean, I wasn't sure how comfortable I was posting things on my blog for the world to see. Sometime we'll get together and spill. You should have called me last night, I was up until 1:30!
that is pretty cute, using your dad's tshirt as a pseudo-blankie.
remember when we would fall asleep to the same 4 movies every night? romeo and juliet, empire records, titanic and armagedon. well..i would fall asleep and you would watch the whole thing.
I loved this! Not too personal at all! I'll do it on my blog right now....could I maybe borrow that Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen sounds riveting.
Hi, I blog hopped over here from Amy's blog after seeing the adorable clips you made! So adorable. Anyway, I can relate to the blanket--mine was a teddy bear "Fred Ted" and although I don't sleep with him still, I still have it and interestingly enough, he still smells like maple syrup? I just died when I read that, because those feelings about my lovie are the same things I remember, such a fun read.
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