Here is me and my sweet boy. (dont mind the stamp on his forehead or his scraggly Mum) I love this boy more than I can say. He is my partner, we are best friends. I get to take care of, teach and play with him everyday and I DO NOT take that for granted. When you think about raising these babies and teaching them everything you know, loving them and doing what is best for them...only to have them leave you (in a sense) in the end to live their own lives and make their own decisions...It makes motherhood sound like a very cruel trick...But...oh so very worth it.

Getting our Hobby Lobby on...

My little leprechaun...

Mister is currently obsessed with the potty...or more like washing his hands. He knows that when he asks to sit on the potty the next step is that he gets to wash his hands...which is like going to Disney land. So we do this a couple of times a day...