Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Down and dirty...

Im sure most of you have seen/heard this already but I thought I would post it for those of you that have not. I loved this info. Question: Where is your favorite place to get organic and/or local produce?


sarah marie. said...

i'm going to write this down and keep it in my wallet. thanks for posting it!

Amy said...

I have seen that, but it's been a long time. I always forget that apples are high in pesticides. That seems so strange to me 'cause they have thick skins.

We have Whole Foods here in CA. INCREDIBLE...but expensive. :(

Anonymous said...

I live in California and we have lots of farmers market in different citys pretty much everyday of the week so I get my organic stuff there. It's also fun to go to them they have so many things other than produce.