Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My big boy...

Most mornings now this is how we find Mister...
He is flipping and Flopping and army crawling all over the crib...

Usually in the complete opposite direction and side than he began the night on...
He's a mover and a shaker this boy.


sarah marie. said...

he is ROLLING in that last one. i love it. and if you don't start commenting on my blog then we're quits and we really need each other with this weather..

AnnieC said...

I loved these photos! Thanks for posting them. Jude is one happy and content baby! I can imagine his giggle...too cute! His grin just lights up my whole day...thanks for sharing.


P.S. I am a mommy to be, so just giving you a heads up that your blog is a wonderful resource to me. I can't thank you enough for sharing some of your moments with your precious boy, the lovely pics of your nursery, etc. I appreciate you.