Thursday, April 28, 2011


I added a few new itty bitty things for little newborns to the shop today...I hope you likey!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter fun...

Happy Easter...

From my handsome boy...

Im not going to lie...This Easter Sunday was interesting to say the least (it was just one of those days for me)... But I know Mister loved it and had such a fun day, so thats all that really matters.

he LOVED his basket and was so excited when he saw it...he went a-running for it!

Yesterday we dyed eggs with Sister and her much fun. Cant you tell how thrilled Monie is...? She really was having fun, but I rolled when I saw this photo.

I am so thankful for this special day. What a miracle to celebrate!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thank you...

I cant say thank you enough for all of the comments, emails, flowers and cards that I received about my last post. This has made me love blogging all over again. I don't know what I would have done without the kind words.

And...I dont know what I would have done without my sweet mother, Sister and boyfriend.
This experience has been a nightmare...sad, disappointing and humbling all at the same time. At this point I am just trying to get back to my everyday life and do the things I did before.

Love these babies...

My Mom flew into town as fast as can be and I am so thankful for her. She tried to keep me busy with baking and just basically being her sweet self.

She left sad.
...But we are happy and blessed in so many ways.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My little baby...

Today it happened....What will inevitably happen to all of us (in varying degrees) at some point...Today I had the worst day of my life so far...
In a nutshell: I went in to my doctor, found out that I was 16 weeks pregnant (I was off on my dates so I wasn't sure how far along I was) then found out that I had lost our sweet little baby. I knew the moment I saw that little body on the screen that it was lifeless. Heartbreak. Im am writing this because I know that there are so many woman who have gone through similar experiences, because I want to have a record of this day and because I want ask for your prayers. I go in for my D&C tomorrow and I am so nervie.
I am so thankful for my beliefs. For the knowledge that I will get to raise this little baby after this life, that he was so sweet and innocent that he only needed to receive a body for such a short time and was able to quickly return home to his father in heaven.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


It was so pretty here yesterday...Mister and I were outside pretty much all day, blowing bubbles and playing in the yard.
Boyfriend got his bikes out...and Mister is VERY serious about you can see in the above photo. He would sit on that thing all day if I let him.
And a few videos of our day...