Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy birthday Daddy...

I have always been Daddy's girl...I love him so much.
Happy birthday Dad!

At Serindippy in LasVegas...We called it that because it wasnt that bomb.
A few things to note about this photo...1. our bangs 2. our P.J.s and 3...that is a waterbed.
Seriously, the best grandpa!!!
Love you Dad!

Mister fun...

Sarah snapped this photo of our cute boys...
Mistere seriously loves Woody, SERIOUSLY!

and here is a video of him with the girls...and me squawking like a wicked step mom in the background...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Our babies...

One day you are living with a bunch of random girls in a bojankedy apartment...and then you blink your eyes and its like 13 years later and you are making cookies with your 8 sweet children (and 4 on the way). It is so hard to live away from my family...I am so thankful that Sissy and I have this little family here in Utah.

Thanks for the photo Leah...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy birthday Mummsie...

I love my Mom so much! Happy are the best Mom in the world and my bff. Hope your day is perfect!
I do not know this family, but my good friend Heather knows them very well. I seriously cannot think of ANYTHING worse. I thought I would post the link here so that you could read a little more about it and maybe make a donation.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The going ons...

Not much has been going on around here...But I thought I would post a few photos from this last weeks events.
I love Mister all clean and ready for bed. He has such an addiction to his "B's" as he calls them. (his blankies...yes he has 2...I don't know where he got this habit from)
This is his favorite place in boyfriend's office, on top of a filing cabinet. He looks like such a midgie man...I think its the shoulder pads in his blazer...HA!
Adam, Mister and I flew home at Christmas, so we didn't have room to bring home any of our Christmas gifts. So, Amy and chris brought them home in their car. I don't know how, but I kept forgetting them whenever Sister and I would meet up (I know, its child abuse) so its been like Christmas all over again for my boy!
I have been growing out my bangs, and I am FINALLY to the point were I don't feel like a freak (I hate growing out my bangs)...even though I look like one in this photo (its the best I had)
This guy came and stayed in my back yard for hours...seriously, 1/2 of the time he spent took him like 5 min. to pee pee.
And, Sissy and I went to find out what she is having yesterday...and as you can see its a boy. I am so excited for her...well, for all of us!!!

Also, my honey man turned 19 months a few days ago. I just cant believe how big he is getting. Not to mention he is flat out talking to me these days. He is such a joy. Half my day is spent glowing with pride...a feeling I don't think you fully get until you are a parent. I just love him so much.

Friday, January 14, 2011

O M to the mutha freaking G...

Did you know that Mister was extremely over weight when he came into this world? I just updated my iphoto, so I was going through some old photos and thought I would post the proof.

Then I realized that I never wrote a post about my birth story, then I realized that I did that on purpose...because if you didnt already have kids, you might not want to have any after you read it. J/K...kind of

Friday, January 07, 2011

Happy birthday Lou and Lee!!!

Can you even believe that it has been 3 years since we opened the shop?!
I thought I would post some of the VERY first headbands...HA!
I was laughing so hard looking at these, but I wanted to post them anyway. Can you believe how mini our Monie is?

We have come a long way, and wanted to thank you for all of your support by offering 15% off in the shop today! Thank you, thank you...I have such loyal customers...and I cant tell you how thankful I am for each and every one of you!
Just enter louandleeis3 at checkout for your 15% off.